Normal Respiratory Rate
Respiration is one of the essential function of body from which exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place in body. The normal respiratory rate, called Eupnea, is the number of breaths a person takes every minute. Eupnea plays a viral role in keeping the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in body.
The normal respiratory rate for a healthy adult is 12 to 15 respirations per minute. The breathing rates of below 12 or above 15 can means a disruption in normal breathing rate for an infant up to 1 years of age is 30 to 60 respirations per minute.
To measure normal breathing/respiration rate, it is essential to measure it at rest conditions because their are many factors like emotions, exercise, etc. that affect respiration process.
To take an accurate measurement watch the person's chest rise and fall. One complete breath have one inspiration, when the chest rise, followed by one expiration, when chest falls. Count this pattern for s minute or if there is not enough time then count for 30 seconds and multiply result by two.
Hyperpnea is a condition of respiration in which we breath more fast and deeply than normal respiration. Generally, it may resulted from exercise and other physical factors but it may also resulted from some health related issues like disease, heart problem, etc.
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